
Made with Neocities and Phoenix Code

This article is the personal site of an internet personality documenting her various and sundry interests. For other uses, see Slumbrous (disambiguation).

a person lies in a large bed with pink sheets. A window lets light in.
Painting by the French artist Lossapardo.

This is a digital commonplace/scrapbook/journal about things I find interesting, as well as some things that I create, that I don't really know where else I would want to share.

One of those things is Wikipedia (I do make edits from time to time but generally just when I see a grammar/spelling error that annoys me). So, when I found this website template I knew I had to use it.

I've made a few websites before but with my own name, since I'm a PhD student with a background in computer science and that just ends up happening I guess, but want to keep this completely anonymous and separate from those so I can have the freedom to put whatever I want on here without being concerned about it linking back to Other Me.

Currently Into


💿 It Must Have Been Love - Roxette


🎤 If Books Could Kill

🎤 Corporate Gossip


Hello Kitty Island Adventure

I'm also in a Curse of Strahd D&D campaign that started in 2022. Our DM says we're nearly finished :)


Fanfiction: Garashir, The Mentalist


Stuff for my dissertation proposal


TV: Deep Space Nine rewatch, The Mentalist, Bones


Gay fanfiction of an 80s evangelical novel. Have posted six chapters now on my AO3 account. CW, it's' about rape aftermath and recovery, so if that's not something you want to read... don't read it.

I recently had an idea of a Star-Trek-inspired Criminal Minds fic, so I'm fleshing that out as well.

Website Updates


Updated Currently Into.


Updated Fanlistings in Badges, and an update on my writing in Currently Into.


Added another entry to Thoughts, and reformatted the page with paragraph indents so it's easier to read.


I'm back. Updated Currently Into.


Added an entry to Thoughts.


Updated Fanlistings in Badges, and the "Currently Into" section on the homepage. Added Criminal Minds to Likes, and a couple photos to Vintage Photos.


Added links to my Likes page, and added a Dogs section to Vintage Photos.


Updated my Currently Into section. Also, my guestbook hosting site ( seems to be broken, so I made a new guestbook on Atabook and updated my links to it.


Added a post to my Thoughts page.


Reorganized the buttons on the Home sidebar and added a buttons section to Badges.


Rearranged and added more GIFs to Badges.


Added stamps and GIFs sections to Badges and created the Likes page.


Reformatted Quotes page for legibility and added a couple more quotes.


Added Fanlistings to Badges page.


Added Badges page. Updated the buttons sidebar so it's just on the homepage instead of every page. Added links to reading resources in Reads.


Added more fiction to Reads page; added "Currently Into" section on the homepage.


Added an image to Poetry, and a fiction section to Reads.


Added an entry on being known on the Thoughts page. Added more buttons. Added Reads page!


Added a Thoughts page.


More Wiki links, and added "Portraits of Women" category to Vintage Photos.


Added a guestbook (linked in the "Talk" tab because I thought that was appropriate), links to wiki pages I like, and added the Quotes and Vintage Photos pages.


Added more links and buttons.


Completed my Poetry page!


Published initial update: introduction, buttons, placeholder links, and Poetry page.