
Made with Neocities and Phoenix Code

This article is the personal site of an internet personality documenting her various and sundry interests. For other uses, see Slumbrous (disambiguation).

a person lies in a large bed with pink sheets. A window lets light in.
Painting by the French artist Lossapardo.

This is a digital commonplace/scrapbook/journal about things I find interesting, as well as some things that I create, that I don't really know where else I would want to share.

One of those things is Wikipedia (I do make edits from time to time but generally just when I see a grammar/spelling error that annoys me). So, when I found this website template I knew I had to use it.

I'm still building out the website but wanted to publish what I have so far just because. I've made a few websites before but with my own name, since I'm a PhD student with a background in computer science and that just ends up happening I guess, but want to keep this completely anonymous and separate from those so I can have the freedom to put whatever I want on here without being concerned about it linking back to Other Me.


Website Updates


Added more links and buttons.


Completed my Poetry page!


Published initial update: introduction, buttons, placeholder links, and Poetry page.